About the Artist

Hello humans,

My name is Maddie Bramer and I am the owner of Mad Mystic - a small business focused on showcasing my handmade jewelry. I am currently studying Art and Art History at the University of West Georgia. However, in between my studies, I unknowingly stumbled upon silversmithing and fell in love with the art of metal. I decided to dive deeper into this new art and study at the Metal Arts Guild of Georgia. I have been a guild member since March 2022 and have learned more than I could have imagined there. I find most of my inspiration comes from the places I visit. From the city infrastructure of Atlanta to the seemingly barren mountain valleys of southern Colorado, inspiration finds me and I meet it with an open heart. I am incredibly excited to see where this passion leads me in my young adult life and I hope I can inspire others to chase their passions and enjoy learning along the way.